V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V50_owners%20manual_MY12_EN_tp14033.pdf - 8.57MB
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09 Maintenance and serviceOils and fluids 09224For engines with electronic oil levelsensor2Filler pipe.3You do not need to take action with respect tothe engine oil level before a message is shownin the display, see the illustration below.Message and graph in the display.MessageEngine oil levelThe oil level is checked using the electronic oillevel gauge with the thumbwheel when theengine is switched off, see page 65.WARNINGIf the message Oil service required isshown, visit a workshop. The oil level maybe too high.IMPORTANTIn the event of the message Oil level low,Fill oil, only fill with 0.5 litres.NOTEThe oil level is only detected by the systemduring driving. The system cannot directlydetect changes when the oil is filled ordrained. The car must be drivenabout 30 km before the oil level display iscorrect.WARNINGDo not fill more oil if filling level (3) or (4)appears as shown in the illustration below.The level must never be above MAX orbelow MIN, as this could lead to enginedamage.WARNINGDo not spill oil onto the hot exhaust manifolddue to the risk of fire.2Only applies to 5-cyl. diesel.3Engines with electronic oil level sensor have no dipstick (5-cyl. diesel).
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