V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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09 Maintenance and serviceBattery 09232Battery Start StandbyCold startcapacityA,CCA (A)760 120Dimen-sionsB,L×W×H(mm)278×175×190150×90×106Capacity(Ah)70 8AIn accordance with the SAE standard.BLargest possible size.NOTE•The higher the current take-off in the car(extra cooling/heating, etc.) the morethe batteries must be charged =increased fuel consumption.•When the capacity of the battery hasfallen below the lowest permissible levelthen the Start/Stop function is disen-gaged.Temporarily reduced Start/Stop function dueto high current take-off means:•The engine auto-starts1 without the driverdepressing the clutch pedal.Location of the batteries1. Battery2 2. Standby battery.The standby battery normally requires no moreservice than the normal battery that is used forstarting. A workshop should be contacted inthe event of questions or problems - an author-ised Volvo workshop is recommended.IMPORTANTIf the following instruction is not observedthen the Start/Stop function may temporar-ily cease to work after the connection of anexternal battery or battery charger:•The negative battery terminal on thecar's main battery must never be usedfor connecting an external battery orbattery charger - only the car chassismay be used as the grounding point.See the section "Start assistance" - for adescription of how the cable clamps mustbe attached.1Auto-start can only take place if the gear lever is in neutral position.2The battery is described in detail on page 230.
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