V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V50_owners%20manual_MY12_EN_tp14033.pdf - 8.57MB
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09 Maintenance and service Battery09233NOTEIf the battery has become so dischargedthat everything is "black" and in principlethe car does not have all the normal electri-cal functions and the engine is subsequentlystarted using an external battery or batterycharger, then the Start/Stop function will beactivated. It will then be possible for theengine to be auto-stopped but in the eventof an auto-stop the Start/Stop function mayfail to auto-start the engine due to inade-quate capacity in the battery.The battery must first be charged in order toensure a successful auto-start after an auto-stop. At an outside temperature of +15 °Cthe battery needs to be charged for at least1 hour. At a lower outside temperature acharging time of 3-4 hours is recom-mended. The recommendation is that thebattery is charged using an external batterycharger.If this is not possible then the recommen-dation is to temporarily deactivate theStart/Stop function until the battery hasbeen adequately recharged.For more information about recharging thebattery, see the section "Battery" in thechapter "Maintenance and service".
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