V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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10 Infotainment systemCD functions 10264* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.CD function controlsG019807Navigation button – Fast forward/rewind,track selection and menusCD changer position selection*CD insertion/ejectCD insertion/eject slotMODE - Selection of audio source (CD,AUX, USB*)TUNING - Knob for track selectionStarting playback (CD player)If a music CD is in the player when the audiosystem is in CD mode then playback is startedautomatically. Otherwise, load a disc andchange to CD mode by pressing MODE.Start playback (CD changer*)If a CD position with a music CD is alreadyselected when the audio system is activatedthen playback starts automatically. Otherwisechange to CD changer mode using MODE andselect a disc with the number buttons 1–6 orUp/Down on the navigation button.Insert a CD1.Select an empty position with buttons 1–6 or Up/Down on the navigation button.> An empty position is marked on the dis-play. The text Insert disc shows that anew disc can be inserted. TheCD changer can hold up to 6 CD discs.2. Inserting a CD in the CD changer.CD ejectA CD will stay in the ejected position forapprox. 12 seconds. Following which it is re-inserted in the player and playback continues.Eject individual discs by pressing the eject but-ton (3).Eject all discs with a long press on the ejectbutton. The entire magazine is emptied disc bydisc. The message EJECT ALL is shown in thedisplay.PauseIf the volume is turned down completely, theCD player is stopped. The player is restartedwhen volume is increased.Audio files*The CD player/CD changer* also supports MP3and WMA format audio files.NOTECertain types of copy-protected audio filescannot be read by the player.When a CD containing audio files is insertedinto the player the disc's folder structure is loa-ded in. It may take a while before playbackstarts due to the quality of the disc.Navigation and playbackIf a disc with audio files is inserted in theCD player then the disc's folder structure isshown by pressing ENTER. The folder struc-ture is navigated in the same way as the audiosystem's menu structure. Audio files have thesymbol and folders have the symbol .Start audio file playback with ENTER.When the playback of a file is finished the play-back of the other files in the same folder con-tinues. Folder change takes place automati-
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