V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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10 Infotainment system Phone functions*10* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.271On/OffA handset appears in the display when thephone system is active or in standby mode(standby). If the remote control key is turned toposition 0 when the phone is in one of thesemodes, the phone automatically resumes thismode the next time the remote control key isturned to position I or II.Activating the phone systemPhone system functions can only be usedwhen the phone is in active mode.1.Press PHONE.2. Enter the PIN code (if necessary) and pressENTER.Deactivating the phone systemNo calls can be received when the phone sys-tem is deactivated.–Hold PHONE depressed until the phone isdeactivated.Standby mode (standby)In standby mode, the audio system can be inuse while calls are received. However, it is notpossible to make calls when in standby mode.Putting the phone in standby modeThe phone must first be in active mode beforeit can be put in standby mode.–Press PHONE.Activating from standby mode–Press PHONE.Making and receiving callsTo call1. Activate the phone system (if necessary).2. Dial the number or use the phone book,see page 273.3.Press ENTER.Receiving a callFor Auto answer, see menu option 4.3, seepage 275.–Press ENTER.Ending a call–Press EXIT.Refusing a call–Press EXIT.Call waitingA two-tone signal during a phone call indicatesthat there is another incoming call. Answer? isshown in the display. The call can be refusedor taken in the normal manner. If the incomingcall is taken, the previous call is put on hold.Putting a call on hold/resuming a call1.Press MENU or ENTER.2.Scroll to Hold or Resume and pressENTER.Dialling a third party1. Put the call on hold.2. Dial the number of the third party.Switching between calls1.Press MENU or ENTER.2.Scroll to Swap and press ENTER.Starting a conference callA conference call consists of three parties thatcan talk to one another. Once a conference callhas been initiated, no more parties can be con-nected. All calls are ended when a conferencecall is ended.1. Start two phone calls.2.Press MENU or ENTER.3.Scroll to Join and press ENTER.
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