V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V50_owners%20manual_MY12_EN_tp14033.pdf - 8.57MB
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10 Infotainment systemPhone functions* 10272* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.VolumeThe phone uses the driver's door speaker.Call volumeCall volume is regulated withthe steering wheel keypad.Audio system volumeAudio system volume is temporarily loweredduring a phone call. Once the call is ended theprevious volume is resumed. If the volume isregulated during the call, the new level isretained once the call is ended. Sound can alsobe automatically muted during a phone call,see menu 6.4.3, on page 275. This functiononly applies to the Volvo integrated phone sys-tem.Entering textText is entered using the phone keypad.1. Press the key with the desired character -once for the first character on the button,twice for the second, etc. See table.2.Press 1 for a space. If two characters in arow are to be entered using the same but-ton, press * or wait a few seconds.A short press on EXIT deletes an input char-acter. A long press on EXIT will clear all enteredcharacters.Key Functionspace 1 - ? ! , . : " ' ( )a b c 2 ä å à ae çd e f 3 è ég h i 4 ìj k l 5m n o 6 ñ ö ò Øp q r s 7 ßt u v 8 ü ùw x y z 9Pressed briefly if two char-acters shall be entered aftereach other with the samekey.Key Function+ 0 @ * # & $ £ / %Switch between upper andlower case.Handling numbersCalling the last number dialledThe phone automatically stores the last phonenumbers dialled.1.Press ENTER.2.Scroll to a number and press ENTER.PhonebookIf the phone book contains a live caller's con-tact information then this is shown in the dis-play. Contact information can be stored on theSIM card and in the phone.Storing contacts in the phone book1.Press MENU.2.Scroll to Phone book… and pressENTER.3.Scroll to New contact and press ENTER.4.Enter a name and press ENTER.5.Enter a number and press ENTER.
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