V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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11 SpecificationsFuel 11298 : gram/km : litre/100 kmA = urban drivingB = extra-urban drivingC = combined drivingFuel consumption and emissions ofcarbon dioxideFuel consumption and emission values in thetable above are based on specific EU cycles1,that apply to cars with kerb weight in the basicversion and without extra equipment. The car'sweight may increase depending on equipment.This, as well as how heavily the car is loaded,increases fuel consumption and carbon diox-ide emissions.There are several reasons for increased fuelconsumption compared with the table's val-ues. Examples of this are:•The driver's driving style.•If the customer has specified wheels largerthan those fitted as standard on the mod-el's basic version, then resistance increa-ses.•High speed results in increased wind resis-tance.•Fuel quality, road and traffic conditions,weather and the condition of the car.Even a combination of the above-mentionedexamples can result in significantly improvedconsumption. For further information, pleaserefer to the regulations referred to.Large deviations in fuel consumption may arisein a comparison with the EU driving cycleswhich are used in the certification of the carand on which the consumption figures in thetable are based.To bear in mindTips that the driver can use in order to reduceconsumption:•Drive gently and avoid unnecessary accel-eration as well as braking too hard.•Drive with the correct air pressure in thetyres and check this regularly - select ECOtyre pressure for best results, see the tyrepressure table on page 299.•Choice of tyres can affect fuel consump-tion - seek advice on suitable tyres from adealer.See further information and more advice onpages 13 and 144.See page 146 for general information on fuel.1Official fuel consumption figures are based on two standardised driving cycles in a laboratory environment ("EU driving cycles" ) all in accordance with EU Directive 80/1268/EEC (Euro 4), EU Regulationno 692/2008 (Euro 5) and UN ECE Regulation no 101. The regulations cover the driving cycles for urban driving and extra-urban d riving. - Urban driving - the measurement starts with cold startingthe engine. The driving is simulated. - Extra-urban driving - the car is accelerated and braked at speeds between 0-120 km/h. T he driving is simulated. - A car with a D2 engine and 6-speed manualtransmission with Start/Stop is started in 2nd gear. - The value for combined driving, which is given in the table, according t o legislation, is a combination of urban driving and extra-urban driving.CO2 emission - to calculate the carbon dioxide emissions from the two driving cycles, the exhaust gases are collected. These are t hen analysed and give the value for CO2 emissions.
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