V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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01 SafetyCrash mode 0130Driving after a collisionG029042If the car is involved in a collision, the textCRASH MODE SEE MANUAL may appear onthe information display. This means that the carhas reduced functionality. Crash mode is aprotective state that is enforced when the col-lision may have damaged any of the car's vitalfunctions, such as the fuel lines, sensors forone of the safety systems, or the brake system.Attempting to start the carFirst, check that no fuel is leaking from the car.There must be no smell of fuel either.If everything seems normal and you havechecked for indications of fuel leakage, youmay attempt to start the car.Firstly, remove the remote control key and thenreinsert it. The car's electronics will then try toreset themselves to normal mode. Then try tostart the car. If CRASH MODE SEEMANUAL is still shown on the display then thecar must not be driven or towed. Even if the carappears to be driveable, hidden damage maymake the car impossible to control once mov-ing.Moving the carIf NORMAL MODE is shown after CRASHMODE SEE MANUAL has been reset, the carcan be moved carefully out of a dangerousposition. Do not move the car further than nec-essary.WARNINGNever attempt to repair your car or reset theelectronics yourself if the car has been incrash mode. This could result in personalinjury or the car not functioning as normal.Volvo recommends that you always engagean authorised Volvo workshop to check andrestore the car to NORMAL MODE afterCRASH MODE SEE MANUAL has beendisplayed.WARNINGNever, under any circumstances, attempt torestart the car if it smells of fuel when theCRASH MODE SEE MANUAL message isdisplayed. Leave the car at once.WARNINGIf the car is in crash mode it must not betowed. It must be transported from its loca-tion. Volvo recommends that you have itconveyed to an authorised Volvo workshop.
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