V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V50_owners%20manual_MY12_EN_tp14033.pdf - 8.57MB
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01 Safety Child safety0139Always follow the manufacturer's installationinstructions when connecting a child seat tothe ISOFIX mounting points.Size classesChild seats are in different sizes – cars are indifferent sizes. This means that not all childseats are suitable for all seats in all car models.Consequently, there is a size classification forchild seats using the ISOFIX fixture system inorder to assist users in choosing the correctchild seat (see the following table).SizeclassDescriptionA Full size, front-facing childseatB Reduced size (alt. 1), front-facing child seatSizeclassDescriptionB1 Reduced size (alt.2), front-facing child seatC Full size, rear-facing childseatD Reduced size, rear-facingchild seatE Rear-facing infant seatF Transverse infant seat, left-handG Transverse infant seat, right-handWARNINGNever place a child in the passenger seat ifthe car is equipped with an activated airbag.NOTEIf an ISOFIX child seat has no size classifi-cation then the car model must be includedon the child seat's vehicle list.NOTEVolvo recommends that you contact anauthorised Volvo dealer for recommenda-tions about which ISOFIX child seats Volvorecommends.
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