V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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02 Instruments and controlsIndicator and warning symbols 0254Indicator symbols – right-hand sideG029049Indicator symbol for trailerParking brake appliedAirbags – SRSLow oil pressureSeatbelt reminderAlternator not chargingFault in brake systemIndicator symbol for trailerThis symbol flashes when thedirection indicators are used andthe trailer is connected. If the sym-bol does not flash then one of thelamps on the trailer or the car isfaulty.Parking brake appliedThe symbol illuminates when theparking brake is applied. Alwayspull the parking brake lever to theend position.NOTEThe symbol illuminates irrespective of howhard the parking brake is applied.Airbags – SRSIf this symbol remains illuminatedor illuminates while driving, itmeans a fault has been detected inthe seatbelt buckle, SRS, SIPS orIC system. Volvo recommends thatdrive directly to an authorised Volvo workshopfor inspection.Low oil pressure2If this symbol illuminates duringdriving then the engine's oil pres-sure is too low. Stop the engineimmediately and check the engineoil level, top up if necessary. If thesymbol illuminates and the oil level is normalVolvo recommends that you contact an author-ised Volvo workshop.Seatbelt reminderThis symbol illuminates if someonein a front seat has not put on theirseatbelt or if someone in a rearseat has taken off their seatbelt.Alternator not chargingIf this symbol illuminates whiledriving, a fault has occurred in theelectrical system. Volvo recom-mends that you visit an authorisedVolvo workshop.Fault in brake systemIf this symbol illuminates, the brakefluid level may be too low.2For certain engine variants, the symbol for low oil pressure is not used. Warnings are given via display text, see page 56.
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