V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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02 Instruments and controls Indicator and warning symbols0255–Stop the car in a safe place and check thelevel in the brake fluid reservoir, seepage 226. If the reservoir level is belowMIN then the car should not be driven fur-ther. Volvo recommends that the car istransported to an authorised Volvo work-shop to have the brake system checked.If the BRAKE and ABS symbolsilluminate at the same time, theremay be a fault in the brake forcedistribution system.1. Stop the car in a safe place and turn off theengine.2. Restart the engine.3. If both symbols extinguish, continue driv-ing.4. If the symbols remain illuminated, checkthe level in the brake fluid reservoir, seepage 226.5. If the brake fluid level is normal but thesymbols are still illuminated, the car can bedriven, with great care, to a workshop tohave the brake system checked. Volvo rec-ommends that you seek assistance froman authorised Volvo workshop.6.If the level in the reservoir is below MINthen the car should not be driven any fur-ther. Have the car transported to a work-shop to have the brake system checked.Volvo recommends that you seek assis-tance from an authorised Volvo workshop.WARNINGIf the BRAKE and ABS symbols are lit at thesame time, there is a risk that the rear endwill skid during heavy braking.Reminder – doors not closedIf one of the doors, the bonnet3 or the tailgateis not properly closed, the driver will bereminded of this.Low speedIf the car moves at a speed lessthan 5 km/h, the information sym-bol illuminates and DRIVERDOOR OPEN, PASSENGERDOOR OPEN,LEFT REARDOOR OPEN, BONNET OPEN or RIGHTREAR DOOR OPEN is shown on the display.Stop the car safely as soon as possible andclose the door or bonnet.High speedIf the car is moving faster than10 km/h, the symbol illuminatesand one of the texts indicated inthe preceding paragraph appearson the display.Tailgate reminderIf the tailgate is open, this informa-tion symbol will illuminate andTAILGATE OPEN will appear onthe display.3Only cars with alarm.
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