V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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02 Instruments and controlsInformation display 0256MessagesG029050When a warning or indicator symbol illuminatesthe information display shows a supplemen-tary message.–Press the READ button (1).Switch between messages with the READ but-ton. Fault messages are stored in the memoryuntil the fault is rectified.NOTEIf a warning message appears while you areusing the trip computer, the message mustbe read (press READ) before the previousactivity can be resumed.Message SpecificationSTOP SAFELYAStop the car in a safemanner and turn offthe engine. Seriousrisk of damage.SERVICEURGENTAVolvo recommendsthat an authorisedVolvo workshopchecks the carimmediately.SEE MANUALARead the Owner'sManual.SERVICEREQUIREDAVolvo recommendsthat an authorisedVolvo workshopchecks the car assoon as possible.HIGH ENGINETEMP STOPENGINEStop the car in a safemanner and turn offthe engine. Seriousrisk of damage.BOOK TIME FORSERVICETime to book regularservice. Volvo rec-ommends that anauthorised Volvoworkshop carriesout the service.Message SpecificationTIME FOR REGU-LAR SERVICETime for regularservice. Volvo rec-ommends that anauthorised Volvoworkshop carriesout the service. Thetiming is determinedby the number of kil-ometres driven,number of monthssince the last serv-ice, engine runningtime and oil grade.SERVICE OVER-DUEIf the service inter-vals are not followedthen the warrantydoes not cover anydamaged parts.Volvo recommendsthat an authorisedVolvo workshop car-ries out the service.TRANSMISSIONOIL CHANGE NEE-DEDVolvo recommendsthat an authorisedVolvo workshopchecks the car assoon as possible.
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