V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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02 Instruments and controlsParking brake 0274GeneralInstrument panel warning symbol and warninglabel for risk of crushing.The lever is located between the front seats.WARNINGMake sure that children, other passengersor objects are not in danger of becomingtrapped in any way when the parking brakeis applied or released by the driver.Applying the parking brake1. Press the foot brake pedal down firmly.2. Pull the lever firmly.> The instrument panel's warning symbolis illuminated.NOTEThe warning lamp symbol in the combinedinstrument panel illuminates irrespective ofhow hard the parking brake is applied.3. Release the foot brake pedal and makesure that the car is at a standstill position.4. If the vehicle moves then the parking brakelever must be pulled up a little bit further.•When parking the vehicle, always engage1st gear (for manual gearbox) or put thegear selector in position P (for automaticgearbox).Parking on a hillIf the car is parked facing uphill:•Turn the wheels away from the kerb.If the car is parked facing downhill:•Turn the wheels towards the kerb.WARNINGGet into the habit of always applying theparking brake when parking on a slope -leaving the car in gear, or in P if it has auto-matic transmission, is not sufficient to holdthe car in all situation.Disengaging the parking brake1. Press the foot brake pedal down firmly.2. Pull the parking brake lever up slightly,press the button, lower the parking brakelever and release the button.> The instrument panel's warning symbolis switched off.
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