V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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02 Instruments and controlsHomeLinkµ * 0286* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.GeneralG030070HomeLinkµ is a programmable remote controlwhich can control up to three different devices(e.g. garage door, alarm system, outdoor light-ing and indoor lighting etc.) and in doing soreplace their remote controls. HomeLinkµ issupplied built into the left-hand sun visor.The HomeLinkµ panel consists of three pro-grammable buttons and one indicator lamp.NOTEHomeLinkµ is designed not to work if the caris locked from the outside.Save the original remote controls for futureprogramming (e.g. when switching toanother car).Delete the button programming when thecar is to be sold.Metallic sun visors should not be used incars fitted with HomeLinkµ. This may havean adverse effect on its function.OperationWhen HomeLinkµ is fully programmed it can beused in place of the separate original remotecontrols.Depress the programmed button to activatethe garage door, alarm system etc. The indi-cator lamp illuminates for the time that the but-ton is kept depressed.NOTEIf the ignition is not activated, HomeLinkµwill work for 30 minutes after the driver'sdoor has been opened.The original remote controls can of course beused in parallel with HomeLinkµ.WARNINGIf HomeLinkµ is used to operate a garagedoor or gate, ensure that nobody is in thevicinity of the door or gate while it is inmotion.Do not use the HomeLinkµ remote controlfor any garage door that does not havesafety stop and safety reverse. The garagedoor must react immediately when itdetects that something is preventing itsmovement, and stop directly and reverse. Agarage door without these characteristicscould cause personal injury. For furtherinformation - contact the supplier via theInternet: www.homelink.com.Programming for the first timeThe first step erases the memory inHomeLinkµ and must not be carried out whenonly one individual button is being reprogram-med.1. Depress the two outer buttons and do notrelease until the indicator lamp starts toflash after approx. 20 seconds. The flash-ing indicates that HomeLinkµ is set in"learn mode" and is ready to be pro-grammed.2. Position the original remote control5-30 cm from HomeLinkµ. Monitor the indi-cator lamp.
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