V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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05 Locks and alarmLocking and unlocking 05134* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Locking/unlocking the car fromoutsideFor cars with the Keyless system, seepage 130.UnlockingUsing the remote control key's unlock buttonthe car can be unlocked in two different ways(select in personal settings, see page 84):•One press unlocks the doors and the tail-gate•One press unlocks the driver's door and asecond press unlocks the other doors andthe tailgate.LockingThe remote control key's lock button locks thedoors and tailgate simultaneously.NOTEThe car can be locked even if the tailgate isopen - when the tailgate is then closed thereis a risk that the keys will be locked in*.WARNINGBe aware of the risk of being locked in thecar when it is locked from the outside usingthe remote control key - it is then not pos-sible to open any of the doors from theinside with the door controls. Read moreabout this in the section "Deadlocks" lateron.Rapid closingPress and hold (at least 2 seconds) on theremote control key's lock button to close allwindows and sunroof* at the same time.TailgateUnlockingUnlocking tailgate only:–Press the remote control key's button tounlock the tailgate.LockingIf the doors are locked when the tailgate isclosed then it remains unlocked. Lock with theremote control key's lock button or from insidewith the central locking button in order to lockboth doors and the tailgate.Automatic relockingIf none of the doors or the tailgate is openedwithin 2 minutes of unlocking, all are lockedagain automatically (does not apply to lockingfrom inside). This function reduces the risk thatthe car is left unlocked unintentionally. (Forcars with alarm, see page 139.)Locking/unlocking the car from insideG007451With the central locking button on the driver'sdoor, the doors and tailgate can be locked orunlocked simultaneously.UnlockingA door cannot be unlocked by pulling up itslock button.
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