V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V50_owners%20manual_MY12_EN_tp14033.pdf - 8.57MB
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06 Starting and drivingRefuelling 06146Opening the fuel filler flapDon not forget to switch off the fuel-driven heaterbefore refuelling!Open the fuel filler flap with the button on thelighting panel, see page 61. The engine mustbe switched off before the flap can be opened.The fuel flap is located on the rear right wing.ClosingPush in the flap until you hear a click.Fuel cap1. Turn the fuel cap until an obvious resis-tance is felt.2. Turn past the resistance until it comes to astop.3. Take out the cap.4. Hang up the cap on the inside of the fuelfiller flap.NOTEPut the petrol cap back on after refuelling.Turn until one or more clear clicks are heard.Filling up with fuelDo not overfill the tank but fill until the pumpnozzle cuts out.NOTEExcess fuel in the tank can overflow in hotweather.Fuel of a lower quality than that specifiedshould not be used as engine power and fuelconsumption could be negatively affected, formore information see the following sectionFuel.General information on fuelWARNINGAlways avoid inhaling fuel vapour and get-ting fuel splashes in the eyes.In the event of fuel in the eyes, remove anycontact lenses and rinse the eyes in plentyof water for at least 15 minutes and seekmedical attention.Never swallow fuel. Fuels such as petrol,bioethanol and mixtures of them and dieselare highly toxic and could cause permanentinjury or be fatal if swallowed. Seek medicalattention immediately if fuel has been swal-lowed.WARNINGFuel which spills on to the ground can beignited by the exhaust fumes.Switch off the fuel-driven heater before star-ting to refuel.Never carry an activated mobile phonewhen refuelling. The ring signal could causespark build-up and ignite petrol fumes,leading to fire and injury.
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