V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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06 Starting and drivingLoading 06190* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.GeneralPayload depends on the car's kerb weight. Thetotal of the weight of the passengers and allaccessories reduces the car's payload by acorresponding weight. For more detailed infor-mation on weights, see page 289.WARNINGThe car's driving characteristics changedepending on how heavily it is loaded andhow the load is distributed.Loading the cargo areaStop the engine and apply the parking brakewhen loading or unloading long objects. Thegear lever or gear selector can be knocked outof position by long loads, which could set thecar in motion.To increase the size of the cargo area, the headrestraints can be removed and the seats foldeddown, see page 118.Place the load firmly against the backrest infront.•The head rests can be removed so thatthey are not damaged.•Put wide loads in the centre.•Heavy objects should be placed as low aspossible. Avoid placing heavy loads on alowered backrest.•Cover sharp edges with something soft toavoid damaging the upholstery or the glasssurface of the tailgate.•Secure all loads to the load retaining eye-lets with straps or web lashings.WARNINGA loose object weighing 20 kg can, in afrontal collision at a speed of 50 km/h, carrythe impact of an item weighing 1000 kg.WARNINGNever load cargo above the backrest.The protection provided by the inflatablecurtain in the headlining may be compro-mised or eliminated by high loads.Always secure the load. During heavy brak-ing the load may otherwise shift, causinginjury to the car's occupants.Load carriers*To avoid damaging the car and for maximumpossible safety while driving, it is recom-mended to use load carriers specially designedfor your car by Volvo.Carefully follow the mounting instructions sup-plied with the carriers.•Check periodically that the load carriersand load are properly secured. Lash theload securely with retaining straps.•Distribute the load evenly over the loadcarriers. Put the heaviest objects at thebottom.•The size of the area exposed to the wind,and therefore fuel consumption, increasewith the load's size.•Drive gently. Avoid quick acceleration,heavy braking and hard cornering.WARNINGThe car's centre of gravity and driving cha-racteristics are altered by roof loads.
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