V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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08 Car careTouching up paintwork 08214PaintworkPaint is an important part of the car's rust-proofing and should therefore be checked reg-ularly. To avoid the onset of rust, damagedpaintwork should be rectified immediately. Themost common types of paintwork damage arestone chips, scratches, and marks on theedges of wings and doors.Colour codeData plate.Code for car colourIt is important that the correct colour is used.For product decal location, see page 286.Stone chips and scratchesG020345Before touching up paintwork, the car must beclean and dry and at a temperature above15 °C.Materials•Primer in a can•Spray can or touch-up pen1•Masking tape.Minor stone chips and scratchesIf the stone chip has not penetrated to the baremetal and there is an undamaged colour coat,you can paint straight after cleaning the dam-aged area.If the stone chip has penetrated to thebare metal1. Apply a piece of masking tape over thedamaged surface. Then remove the tape toremove any loose paint.2. Stir the primer well and apply using a finebrush or a matchstick. Apply paint using abrush once the primer is dry.3. For scratches, proceed as above, butmask around the damaged area to protectthe undamaged paintwork.4. After a few days, polish the touched-upareas. Use a soft rag and a small amountof lapping paste.1Follow the instructions contained in the touch-up pen's packaging.
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