V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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09 Maintenance and service Self-maintenance09219Before starting work on the carBatteryCheck that the battery cables are correctlyconnected and tightened.Never disconnect the battery when the engineis running (e.g. if replacing the battery).Never use a quick charger to charge the bat-tery. The battery cables must be disconnectedwhen charging the battery.The battery contains acid that is both corrosiveand toxic. It is therefore important to handle thebattery in an environmentally correct manner.Let your Volvo dealer assist you.WARNINGThe ignition system has very high voltageand output. The voltage in the ignition sys-tem is highly dangerous. The ignition musttherefore always be switched off for work inthe engine compartment.Do not touch the spark plugs or ignition coilswhen the ignition is on or the engine is hot.Raising the carNOTEVolvo recommends only using the jack thatbelongs to the car model in question. If ajack is selected other than the one recom-mended by Volvo, follow the instructions foruse supplied with the equipment.If the car is raised with a workshop jack; posi-tion the jack against the front edge on the sub-frame.Do not damage the splashguard under theengine. Ensure that the jack is positioned sothat the car cannot slide off the jack. Alwaysuse axle stands or similar.If you raise the car using a two-pillar workshoplift, ensure that the front and rear lift arms arefixed under the lifting points. See precedingillustration.Check regularlyCheck the following at regular intervals, forexample, when refuelling:•Coolant – The level must be between theMIN and MAX marks on the expansiontank.•Engine oil – The level must be between theMIN and MAX marks.•Power steering fluid – The level must bebetween the MIN and MAX marks.•Washer fluid – The reservoir should be wellfilled. Fill washer fluid with antifreeze attemperatures around freezing point.•Brake and clutch fluid – The level must bebetween the MIN and MAX marks.WARNINGRemember that the radiator fan (located atthe front of the engine compartment, behindthe radiator) may start automatically someafter the engine has been switched off.Always have the engine cleaned by a work-shop. There is a risk of fire if the engine ishot.
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