X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全278ページ 10.85MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 10.85MB
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278page / 10.85MB
Overview: indicator/warning lampsSymbol Function or systemTurn signalParking brakeParking brake in Canadian modelsAutomatic HoldFront fog lampsHigh beamsHigh-beam AssistantParking lamps, headlamp controlDSC Dynamic Stability ControlDSC Dynamic Stability Control orDTC Dynamic Traction ControlTire Pressure MonitorFlat Tire MonitorSafety beltsAirbag systemSteering systemSymbol Function or systemEmissionsEmissions in Canadian modelsBrake systemBrake system in Canadian modelsAntilock Brake System ABSAntilock Brake System ABS in Cana‐dian modelsAt least one Check Control messageis displayed or is storedText messagesText messages in combination with a symbol inthe instrument cluster explain a Check Controlmessage and the meaning of the indicator andwarning lamps.Supplementary text messagesAddition information, such as on the cause of afault or the required action, can be called up viaCheck Control.The supplementary text of urgent messages isdisplayed automatically.The supplementary text of urgent messages isdisplayed on the Control Display automatically.SymbolsWithin the supplementary text, the followingfunctions can be selected independent of thecheck control message.Seite 71Displays Controls71Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 608 153 - 09 11 490
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