X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全278ページ 10.85MB]
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3. "Language:"4. Select the desired language.The setting is stored for the remote control cur‐rently in use.Setting the voice dialogVoice dialog for the voice activation system, re‐fer to page 23.Units of measureSetting the units of measureTo set the units for fuel consumption, route/dis‐tance and temperature:1. "Settings"2."Language/Units"3.Select the desired menu item.4. Select the desired unit.The setting is stored for the remote control cur‐rently in use.BrightnessSetting the brightnessTo set the brightness of the Control Display:1. "Settings"2. "Control display"3. "Brightness"4. Turn the controller until the desired bright‐ness is set.5. Press the controller.The setting is stored for the remote control cur‐rently in use.Depending on the light conditions, the bright‐ness control may not be clearly visible.Seite 79Displays Controls79Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 608 153 - 09 11 490
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