X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全278ページ 10.85MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 10.85MB
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Displaying the current fuelconsumption1. "Settings"2. "Info display"3. "Additional indicators"The bar display for the current fuel consumptionis displayed in the instrument cluster.Energy recoveryThe energy of motion of the ve‐hicle is converted to electrical en‐ergy while coasting. The vehiclebattery is partially charged andfuel consumption can be low‐ered.Service requirementsDisplayThe driving distance or the time to the next serv‐ice is displayed briefly after the ignition isswitched on.The current service requirements can be readout from the remote control by the service spe‐cialist.Data regarding the maintenance status or legallymandated inspections of the vehicle are auto‐matically transmitted to your service center be‐fore a service due date, Automatic Service Re‐quest, refer to page 210 .Detailed information on servicerequirementsMore information on the scope of service re‐quired can be displayed on the Control Display.1. "Vehicle Info"2. "Vehicle status"3. "Service required"Required maintenance procedures and le‐gally mandated inspections are displayed.4. Select an entry to call up detailed informa‐tion.SymbolsSymbols DescriptionNo service is currently required.The deadline for service or a le‐gally mandated inspection isapproaching.The service deadline has al‐ready passed.Entering appointment datesEnter the dates for the required inspections.Ensure that the vehicle date and time are setcorrectly.1."Vehicle Info"2."Vehicle status"3. "Service required"Seite 74Controls Displays74Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 608 153 - 09 11 490
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