X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全278ページ 10.85MB]
gizport - 2013-09-06 - 10.85MB
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▷ Display additional information about theCheck Control message in the integratedowner's manual.▷ "Service request"Contact the service partner.▷ "Roadside Assistance"Contact Roadside Assistance.Hiding Check Control messagesPress the computer button on the turn signallever.▷Some Check Control messages are dis‐played continuously and are not cleared un‐til the malfunction is eliminated. If severalmalfunctions occur at once, the messagesare displayed consecutively.These messages can be hidden for approx.8 seconds. After this time, they are dis‐played again automatically.▷Other Check Control messages are hiddenautomatically after approx. 20 seconds.They are stored and can be displayed againlater.Displaying stored Check Controlmessages1. "Vehicle Info"2. "Vehicle status"3. "Check Control"4. Select the text message.Messages after trip completionSpecial messages that are displayed duringdriving are displayed again after the ignition isswitched off.Fuel gaugeThe vehicle inclination maycause the display to vary.Notes on refueling, refer topage 218 .TachometerAlways avoid engine speeds inthe red warning field. In thisrange, the fuel supply is inter‐rupted to protect the engine.Engine oil temperature▷Cold engine: the pointer is atthe low temperature end.Drive at moderate engine andvehicle speeds.▷Normal operating tempera‐ture: the pointer is in the mid‐dle or in the left half of thetemperature display.▷Hot engine: the pointer is at the high tem‐perature end. A Check Control message isdisplayed in addition.Odometer and trip odometer▷Odometer, arrow 1.▷Trip odometer, arrow 2.Seite 72Controls Displays72Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 608 153 - 09 11 490
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