X3の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全278ページ 10.85MB]
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When there is a malfunction, have the air‐bag system checked immediatelyWhen there is a malfunction, have the airbagsystem checked immediately; otherwise, thereis a risk that the system does not function as ex‐pected in the event of an accident despite cor‐responding severity of the accident.◀Automatic deactivation of the frontpassenger airbagsThe system determines whether the front pas‐senger seat is occupied by measuring the re‐sistance of the human body.The front, knee, and side airbag on the frontpassenger side are activated or deactivated ac‐cordingly.Leave feet in the footwellMake sure that the front passenger keepshis or her feet in the footwell; otherwise, the frontpassenger airbags may not function properly.◀Child restraint fixing system in the frontpassenger seatBefore transporting a child on the front passen‐ger seat, see the safety notes and instructionsunder Children on the front passenger seat.◀Malfunction of the automaticdeactivation systemWhen transporting older children and adults, thefront passenger airbags may be deactivated incertain sitting positions. In this case, the indica‐tor lamp for the front passenger airbags lightsup.In this case, change the sitting position so thatthe front passenger airbags are activated andthe indicator lamp goes out.If it is not possible to activate the airbags, havethe person sit in the rear.To make sure that the occupied seat cushioncan be evaluated correctly▷Do not attach covers, cushions, ball mats orother items to the front passenger seat un‐less they are specifically recommended bythe manufacturer of your vehicle.▷Do not place any electronic devices on thepassenger seat if a child restraint system isto be installed on it.▷Do not place objects under the seat thatcould press against the seat from below.Indicator lamp for the front passengerairbagsThe indicator lamp for the front passenger air‐bags indicates the operating state of the frontpassenger airbags.The lamp indicates whether the airbags are ac‐tivated or deactivated.▷The indicator lamp lights upwhen a child who is properlyseated in a child restraint fix‐ing system intended for thatpurpose is detected on theseat or the seat is empty. Theairbags on the front passen‐ger side are not activated.▷The indicator lamp does not light up when,for example, a correctly seated person ofsufficient size is detected on the seat. Theairbags on the front passenger side are ac‐tivated.Detected child seatsThe system generally detects children seated ina child seat, especially in the child seats thatwere required by NHTSA when the vehicle wasmanufactured. After installing a child seat, makesure that the indicator lamp for the front pas‐Seite 87Safety Controls87Online Edition for Part no. 01 40 2 608 153 - 09 11 490
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