CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全27ページ 2.36MB]
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1551. PHONE OPERATION4PHONECT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:45 For automatic connection, see "CHANG-ING "Bluetooth* Power"" on page 203. When the "POWER" switch is in ACCES-SORY or ON mode, the system searchesfor a nearby registered cellular phone.*: Bluetooth is a registered trademark ofBluetooth SIG, Inc. The system will connect with the phone thatwas last connected, if it is nearby.When "Display Phone Status" is set to"On", the connection status is displayed.(See "Bluetooth(R) DEVICE CONNEC-TION STATUS DISPLAY SETTINGS" onpage 205.) This screen appears when the Bluetooth(R)phone is first connected after the"POWER" switch is in ACCESSORY orON mode.CONNECTING A Bluetooth(R) PHONEAUTOMATICALLYWhen a phone is registered, auto con-nection is turned on. Always set it to thismode and leave the Bluetooth(R) phonein a location where connection can beestablished.INFORMATION●It may take time if the phone connectionis carried out during Bluetooth(R) deviceplayback.Depending on the type of Bluetooth(R)phone being connected, it may be neces-sary to perform additional steps on thephone.
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