CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全27ページ 2.36MB]
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1631. PHONE OPERATION4PHONECT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:451 Press the talk switch. "Call <name> <type>" is displayed in the"Shortcut Menu" screen. When "Call <name> <type>" on the "Short-cut Menu" screen is dimmed, the phone-book's voice command recognition cannotbe used. Check the Bluetooth(R) connec-tion and if the contacts have been trans-ferred to the navigation system.2 Say the name, or the name and type ofphone, of a registered contact. In the same manner as it is displayed on thescreen, "Call <name> <type>", after saying"Call" say the name, or the name and typeof phone, of a contact.For example: "Call", "John Smith" or "Call","Mary Davis", "Mobile" There are 4 types of phones: Home,Mobile, Office and Other. Short or abbreviated names in the phone-book may not be recognized. Changenames in the phonebook to full names. Sometimes a voice recognition result con-firmation screen will be displayed. Afterconfirming the result, say "Yes" or "No". When the system recognizes multiplenames from the phonebook, a name candi-date list will be displayed on the screen. Ifthe desired name is not displayed on thetop of the screen, say the number of thename from the candidate list (number 1 andnumber 2) to select a name from the candi-date list. When a contact has multiple phone num-bers registered in the phonebook, a candi-date list will be displayed. If the desiredphone number is not displayed on the topof the screen, say the number of the desiredphone number from the candidate list(number 1 and number 2) to select a phonenumber from the candidate list.3 Say "Dial" to call the phone number.1 Press the talk switch. "Dial <number>" is displayed in the "Short-cut Menu" screen. When "Dial <number>" on the "ShortcutMenu" screen is dimmed, the phone num-ber voice recognition cannot be used.Check the Bluetooth(R) phone connection.2 Say the phone number. In the same manner as it is displayed on thescreen, "Dial <number>", after saying "Dial"say the phone number. Say the phone number one digit at a time.For example, if the phone number is2345678:Say "two three four five six seven eight"Do not say "twenty three forty five sixtyseven eight"VOICE COMMAND EXAMPLE: CALL NAMEVOICE COMMAND EXAMPLE: DIAL NUMBER
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