CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全27ページ 2.36MB]
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1641. PHONE OPERATIONCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:45 The system can recognize the followingtypes of phone numbers:3 digit numbers (911, 411, 611)7 digit numbers (Local phone numbers)10 digit numbers (Area code + Localphone number)11 digit phone numbers (1 + Area code +Local phone number) As the system cannot recognize additionalnumbers, say the complete number withoutstopping. When the system recognizes multiplephone numbers, a phone number candi-date list will be displayed on the screen. Ifthe desired phone number is not displayedon the top of the screen, say the number ofthe desired phone number from the candi-date list (number 1 and number 2) to selecta phone number from the candidate list.3 Say "Dial" to call the phone number.■INTERNATIONAL CALL1 Go to the "Main Menu" screen bypressing the talk switch on the steeringwheel and saying "Main menu" or select"Main Menu".2 Say "Use a phone".3 Say "International call". Up to 24 digits can be recognized whenusing the international call function. Thenumber can also be divided into multiplegroups and recognized.To dial a phone number that is not a 3, 7,10 or 11 digit number, for example an in-ternational number, use "InternationalCall".Calling without the voice recognition :After the desired phone number is dis-played, a call can also made by pressingthe switch on the steering wheel.Canceling the voice recognition : Thevoice recognition will be canceled wheneither of the following is performed:* Press and hold the talk switch.*Select "Cancel".
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