CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全27ページ 2.36MB]
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1531. PHONE OPERATIONCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:454PHONE3. REGISTER A Bluetooth(R) PHONE1 Press the "MENU" button on theRemote Touch.2 Select "Phone". The "Phone" screen can be displayed bypressing on the steering wheel.3 Select "Yes" to register a phone. If 5 Bluetooth(R) devices have already beenregistered, a registered device needs to bedeleted. See "When 5 Bluetooth(R) deviceshave already been registered" on page154.4 When this screen is displayed, operatethe Bluetooth(R) device. Search for the navigation system displayedon the system's screen using yourBluetooth(R) device, and register theBluetooth(R) device.For details about operating the Bluetooth(R)device, see the manual that comes with it. A passcode is not required for SSP (SecureSimple Pairing) compatible Bluetooth(R)phones. Depending on the type ofBluetooth(R) phone being connected, amessage confirming registration may bedisplayed on the Bluetooth(R) phone'sscreen. Respond and operate theBluetooth(R) phone according to the confir-mation message.To use the hands-free system, it is neces-sary to register a phone with the system.Once the phone has been registered, itis possible to make a hands-free call.If a Bluetooth(R) phone has not been reg-istered yet, it is necessary to register itfirst according to the following proce-dure. A Bluetooth(R) phone cannot beregistered while driving. See "REGISTERING A Bluetooth(R)DEVICE" on page 196 of additional reg-istration when registering.
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