CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全27ページ 2.36MB]
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1701. PHONE OPERATIONCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:457. Bluetooth(R) PHONE MESSAGE FUNCTION1 Press the "MENU" button on theRemote Touch. (See "Remote Touch"on page 10.)2 Select "Phone" on the "Menu" screen. The "Phone" screen can be displayed bypressing on the steering wheel.3 Select "Messages". Depending on the type of Bluetooth(R)phone being connected, it may be neces-sary to perform additional steps on thephone. When "Message Transfer" is set to "Off", aconfirmation screen will be displayed.Select "Yes". (See page 188.)4 Select the screen button correspondingto the desired message. Messages are displayed in the appropriateconnected Bluetooth(R) phone's registeredmail address folder. Select the tab of thedesired folder to be displayed.5 Messages can be checked. Selecting "Previous" or "Next" displays theprevious or next message. Only received messages on the connectedBluetooth(R) phone can be displayed. The text of the message is not displayedwhile driving.Received messages can be forwardedfrom the connected Bluetooth(R) phone,enabling checking and replying usingthe navigation system (Quick reply).CHECKING MESSAGES
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