CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全27ページ 2.36MB]
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1671. PHONE OPERATIONCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:454PHONE6. TALK ON THE Bluetooth(R) PHONE1 Select the desired number to input thekey.While talking on the phone, this screen isdisplayed. The operations outlined be-low can be performed on this screen.To adjust the volume of the other party'svoice: Select "-" or "+", turn the"PWR.VOL" knob, or use the volumeswitch on the steering wheel.To hang up the phone: Select orpress the switch on the steeringwheel.To mute your voice: Select "Mute".To input a key: Select "0-9".To transfer the call: Select "HandsetMode" to change from hands-free call tocellular phone call. Select "HandsfreeMode" to change from cellular phone callto hands-free call.INFORMATION●Changing from hands-free call to cellularphone call is not possible while driving.●When cellular phone call is changed tohands-free call, the hands-free screen willbe displayed and its functions can beoperated on the screen.●Changing between cellular phone calland hands-free call can be performed byoperating the cellular phone directly.●Transferring methods and operations willbe different depending on the type of cel-lular phone you have.●For the operation of the cellular phone,see the manual that comes with it.WHEN YOU SELECT "0-9"INPUTTING A KEYInputting a key is not possible while driv-ing.To hang up the phone: Select orpress the switch on the steeringwheel.
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