CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全27ページ 2.36MB]
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1541. PHONE OPERATIONCT200h_Navi_OM76077U_(U)12.07.12 09:45 To cancel the registration, select "Cancel". If the Bluetooth(R) phone to be registeredhas a Bluetooth(R) audio function, this canbe registered at the same time.5 This screen will be displayed when reg-istration is complete. When using the same phone, it is not nec-essary to register it again.wWhen this screen is displayed, follow theguidance on the screen to try again.wWhen another Bluetooth(R) device is con-nected When another Bluetooth(R) device is cur-rently connected, this screen is displayed. To disconnect the Bluetooth(R) device,select "Yes".wWhen 5 Bluetooth(R) devices have al-ready been registered1 When 5 Bluetooth(R) devices have al-ready been registered, a registered de-vice needs to be deleted. Select "Yes" todelete 1 or more.2 Select the device to be deleted, then se-lect "Remove".3 Select "Yes".wIf the Bluetooth(R) phone has aBluetooth(R) audio function When the Bluetooth(R) phone to be regis-tered has a Bluetooth(R) audio function, thisaudio function will be registered automati-cally at the same time and this screen maybe displayed. If this screen is displayed,select "Yes" to connect the audio functionor select "No" to cancel the connection.
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