CTの取扱説明書・マニュアル [全82ページ 0.84MB]
2012 Lexus CT200h WSG FINAL.pdf
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../2012 Lexus CT200h WSG FINAL.pdf - 0.84MB
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We (the dealership) want you to knowthat at the time your new Lexus vehi-cle is being delivered:1) On the basis of written notificationfurnished by Lexus, we have knowl-edge that the vehicle is covered byan EPA Certificate of Conformity.2)We have visually inspected thoseemission control devices or por-tions thereof that are visible withoutremoving or adjusting any compo-nents or systems, emissions-relatedor otherwise. On the basis of thisinspection, there are no apparentdeficiencies in the installation ofemission control devices by Lexus.(For purposes of this certificate,“emission control devices” is limitedto devices installed on a vehicle forthe sole or primary purpose of con-trolling emissions and which werenot in general use before 1968.)3)We have performed all emissioncontrol system preparationsrequired by Lexus prior to the saleof the vehicle as set forth in Lexus’current pre-delivery service manual.4)Except as may be provided inParagraph 5, if this vehicle fails anEPA-approved emissions test with-in three months or 4,000 miles(whichever comes first) of deliveryto the ultimate purchaser, and thevehicle has been maintained andused in accordance with the writteninstructions for proper mainte-nance and use, Lexus will remedythe nonconformity free of chargeunder the terms of the EmissionPerformance Warranty.5)If vehicle was used as a companycar or demonstrator, check boxand complete the following:■The vehicle with which this state-ment is delivered was placed intoservice as a company car ordemonstrator prior to delivery.The Emission PerformanceWarranty period commenced onthe date the vehicle was firstplaced into service, which wasMonth Day YearNote: The dealership makes no repre-sentation or warranty that the emissioncontrol system or any part thereof iswithout defect or that the system willperform properly. The EmissionPerformance Warranty referred to in Paragraph 4 and furnished with the vehicle is solely that of the manu-facturer.This statement is required by section207 of the Clean Air Act (42 U.S.C.7541) and the EPA regulations issuedthereunder.DEALER CERTIFICATEYour Warranties in Detail27FEDERAL EMISSION CONTROL WARRANTYWARRANTY____________________________________Dealership name____________________________________2012 CT200h_9-38c 8/17/11 11:20 PM Page 27
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