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2012 Lexus CT200h WSG FINAL.pdf
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In the United States, U.S.Territories and CanadaTo obtain warranty service in theUnited States, U.S. territories orCanada, take your vehicle to anauthorized Lexus dealership. If yourvehicle cannot be driven, contact yournearest Lexus dealership for towingassistance. You do not have to pay fortowing to the nearest Lexus dealer-ship if your vehicle is inoperable dueto failure of a warranted part.Outside the United States,U.S. Territories and CanadaIf you are using your vehicle outsidethe United States, U.S. territories andCanada and need warranty service,contact a local Lexus dealership.Please note, however, that your vehi-cle may not be repaired free ofcharge because the local Lexus dis-tributor may have no obligation toprovide warranty service for yourvehicle, and/or your vehicle may notcomply with local regulatory or envi-ronmental requirements.If your vehicle is inoperable or unsafeto drive and there is no Lexus dealer-ship reasonably available to makerepairs, you may perform the repairsyourself or have them performed byanother automotive service provider.Lexus will reimburse you for any ofthe repairs that are covered by war-ranty. To receive reimbursement,present to an authorized Lexus deal-ership your paid repair invoices andEMERGENCY REPAIRSBY GEOGRAPHICREGIONYour Responsibilities37OBTAINING WARRANTY SERVICEWARRANTYLexus recommends having main-tenance and repairs for your CT 200h performed by anauthorized Lexus dealership. Tolocate your nearest authorizedLexus dealership, log on towww.lexus.com or contact Lexus Customer Satisfaction at (800)255-3987.Maintenance and repairs notperformed by an authorizedLexus dealership should be per-formed by a qualified technicianfollowing procedures in Lexusservice and repair publications.Please refer to the importantsafety precautions found on the inside front cover of thisbooklet.2012 CT200h_9-38c 8/17/11 11:23 PM Page 37
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