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2012 Lexus CT200h WSG FINAL.pdf
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IntroductionLEXUS DEALERSHIP SERVICEMAINTENANCE41To ensure that your vehicle receivesfirst-quality service and factory-authorized parts, Lexus recommendshaving maintenance performed by an authorized Lexus dealership. Tolocate your nearest authorized Lexusdealership, log on to www.lexus.comor contact Lexus Customer Satisfac-tion at (800)255-3987.Lexus dealership technicians areexperts in the maintenance and repairof Lexus vehicles. They stay currenton the latest service informationthrough Lexus technical bulletins,service publications and trainingcourses. Many are also certifiedthrough the Lexus Commitment toPerfection Certification Program,which requires specialized, state-of-the-art training as well as rigorousexams through both Lexus and theNational Institute for AutomotiveService Excellence.Additionally, when you have yourvehicle serviced at a Lexus dealer-ship, your service information isrecorded in the Lexus NationalService History database. This is thefirst database of its kind in the auto-motive industry. It can be accessed byany Lexus dealership in the U.S. — agreat convenience if you relocate orneed to have your vehicle servicedwhile traveling.You can be confident you’re gettingthe best possible service for yourvehicle when you take it to a Lexusdealership. Don’t trust your invest-ment to anything less than a team ofLexus specialists.Maintenance and repairs notperformed by an authorizedLexus dealership should be per-formed by a qualified technicianfollowing procedures in Lexusservice and repair publications.Please refer to the importantsafety precautions found on the inside front cover of thisbooklet.2012 CT200h_39-47b 8/17/11 11:25 PM Page 41
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