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2012 Lexus CT200h WSG FINAL.pdf
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EXPLANATION OF MAINTENANCE ITEMSMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log70Engine and Inverter CoolantsWhen inspecting, visually check theengine and inverter coolant levels on the see-through reservoirs. Addcoolant as necessary. When replac-ing, drain the cooling systems andrefill with coolant. Always useGenuine Toyota Super Long-LifeCoolant or similar high-quality non-silicate, non-amine, non-nitrate, non-borate ethylene-glycol coolant withlong-life hybrid organic acid technol-ogy (i.e., a combination of low phos-phates and organic acids). A qualifiedtechnician should perform theseoperations. Please refer to theimportant safety precautions on theinside front cover of this booket.Check the radiator and condenser for blockage by leaves, dirt or insectsand clean if necessary. Also check the hose connections for corrosionand condition of installation.Note:Initial replacement of enginecoolant is at 120 months/100,000miles. Replace every 60 months/50,000 miles thereafter. Initialreplacement of inverter coolant is at 180 months/150,000 miles.Replace every 60 months/50,000miles thereafter.Engine Oil and Oil FilterReplace the oil filter and drain andrefill the engine oil at specified inter-vals. SAE 0W-20 oil is the bestchoice for good fuel economy andgood starting in cold weather. If SAE0W-20 is not available, SAE 5W-20may be used; however, it must bereplaced with SAE 0W-20 at the nextoil change. See your Lexus dealer foroil specifically formulated for yourvehicle’s engine. For instructions onhow to reset the reminder light, referto your Owner’s Manual.Note:If you do the majority of yourdriving under any of the special oper-ating conditions indicated on page44, you should replace the engine oil and oil filter every six months or5,000 miles, regardless of the oilused or the certification of the vehicle.Engine Valve ClearanceThe CT 200h is equipped withhydraulic valve lash adjusters thatrequire no periodic clearance inspection or adjustment.2012 CT200h_48-76a 8/17/11 11:34 PM Page 70
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