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2012 Lexus CT200h WSG FINAL.pdf
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IntroductionMAINTENANCE AND LEXUS WARRANTY COVERAGEMAINTENANCE40Maintaining your vehicle according tothe recommendations in this bookletis required to ensure that your war-ranty coverage remains intact. Youshould keep detailed records of vehi-cle maintenance, including date ofservice, mileage at time of serviceand a description of service and/orparts installation performed. Themaintenance logs in this booklet are agood place to record this information.If you sell your vehicle, be sure to giveyour maintenance records to the newowner.Lexus will not deny a warranty claimsolely because you do not haverecords to show that you maintainedyour vehicle. However, damage orfailures caused by lack of propermaintenance are not covered underwarranty.Maintenance and repair services maybe performed by you or by any auto-motive service provider you choose.Lexus will not deny a warranty claimsolely because you used a serviceprovider other than a Lexus dealer-ship for maintenance and repairs.However, damage or failures causedby improper maintenance or repairsare not covered under warranty.Your dealer may recommend morefrequent maintenance intervals ormore maintenance services thanthose listed in the scheduled mainte-nance log. These additional servicesare not required to maintain your war-ranty coverage. Ask your dealer foran explanation of any recommendedmaintenance not included in thescheduled maintenance log.For a complete description ofLexus warranty coverages, seepages 16–33 of this booklet.2012 CT200h_39-47b 8/17/11 11:25 PM Page 40
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