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2012 Lexus CT200h WSG FINAL.pdf
http://drivers.lexus.com/.../2012 Lexus CT200h WSG FINAL.pdf - 0.84MB
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82page / 0.84MB
Warranty coverage is not dependentupon the use of any particular brandof replacement parts. However, Lexusrecommends using only GenuineLexus Parts when you need to replacea part on your vehicle. Like all Lexusproducts, Genuine Lexus Parts arebuilt to the highest standards of quali-ty, durability and performance. Theyare also designed to fit your vehicle’sexact specifications.Your Lexus dealership maintains anextensive inventory of Genuine LexusParts to meet your vehicle serviceneeds. And because it is linked elec-tronically to Lexus Parts DistributionCenters, the dealership has quickaccess to any parts it may not have in stock.Genuine Lexus Parts are covered bytheir own warranty (see your dealerfor details) or the remainder of anyapplicable New Vehicle LimitedWarranty, whichever is longer. Non-Genuine Lexus Parts, or any damage or failures resulting from their use,are not covered by any Lexus war-ranty.REPLACEMENT PARTSYour Responsibilities36OPERATION AND MAINTENANCEWARRANTY2012 CT200h_9-38c 8/17/11 11:23 PM Page 36
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