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2012 Lexus CT200h WSG FINAL.pdf
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EXPLANATION OF MAINTENANCE ITEMSMAINTENANCEScheduled Maintenance Log69jump-start to the 12-volt battery, con-tact your Lexus dealership. Any repairs to the hybrid battery orhybrid system should be performedby a qualified technician followingprocedures in Lexus service andrepair publications. Please refer tothe important safety precautions onthe inside front cover of this booklet.Body InspectionVisually check for corrosion, scratch-es and other damage. Check outerbody panels, inner panels of the hoodand doors, and underneath the vehi-cle. Apply touch-up paint to any chipsand scratches or have them repairedby a qualified technician.Brake FluidReplace using fluid type specified in your Owner’s Manual. A qualifiedtechnician should perform this operation.Brake Lines and HosesVisually inspect for proper installation.Check for chafing, cracks, deteriora-tion and signs of leakage. Replace any deteriorated or damaged parts. A qualified technician should performthese operations.Brake Pads, Calipers and RotorsCheck brake pads and rotors forexcessive wear; check brake rotorsfor runout. Check brake calipers forfluid leakage. A qualified technicianshould perform these inspections.Driver’s Floor Mat•Only use the driver’s floor matdesigned specifically for themodel and model year of yourvehicle, such as Lexus Genuinefloor mats. •Always properly secure the dri-ver’s floor mat using the retaininghooks. •Never install another floor maton top of the existing driver’sfloor mat. •Never install the driver’s floormat upside down.Engine Air FilterCheck for excessive dirt, damage andoiliness. Replace if necessary.2012 CT200h_48-76a 8/17/11 11:33 PM Page 69
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