V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
http://esd.volvocars.com/.../V50_owners%20manual_MY12_EN_tp14033.pdf - 8.57MB
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06 Starting and driving Refuelling06* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.149called "regeneration" is started in order to burnaway the particles and empty the filter. Thisrequires the engine to have reached normaloperating temperature.Regeneration of the filter takes place automat-ically and normally takes 10-20 minutes. It maytake a little longer at a low average speed. Fuelconsumption may increase slightly duringregeneration.The rear window heating may be activatedautomatically to increase the load on theengine during regeneration without warning.Regeneration in cold weatherIf the car is frequently driven short distances incold weather then the engine does not reachnormal operating temperature. This means thatregeneration of the diesel particle filter doesnot take place and the filter is not emptied.When the filter has becomeapproximately 80% full of particles, the yellowinformation symbol on the instrument panelilluminates, and the message SOOT FILTERFULL SEE OWNER MANUAL is shown on theinstrument panel display.Start regeneration of the filter by driving the caruntil the engine reaches normal operating tem-perature, preferably on a main road or motor-way. The car should then be driven for approx-imately 20 minutes more.NOTEA smaller reduction of engine power may benoticed temporarily during regeneration.When regeneration is complete the message iscleared automatically.IMPORTANTIf the filter fills up it may be incapable offunctioning. Then it can be difficult to startthe engine and there is a risk that the filterwill have to be replaced.Use the parking heater* in cold weather so thatthe engine reaches normal operating tempera-ture more quickly.
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