V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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06 Starting and drivingBLIS* – Blind Spot Information System 06176* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.WARNINGBLIS does not work in sharp bends.BLIS does not work when the car is revers-ing.A wide trailer coupled to the car can concealother vehicles in adjacent lanes. It can pre-vent the vehicle in the screened area frombeing detected by BLIS.Daylight and darknessIn daylight the system reacts to the shape ofthe surrounding vehicles. The system isdesigned to detect motor vehicles such ascars, trucks, buses and motorcycles.In darkness the system reacts to the head-lamps of surrounding vehicles. Vehicles withheadlamps that are switched off are notdetected by the system. This means for exam-ple that the system does not react to a trailerwithout headlamps which is towed behind acar or truck.WARNINGThe system does not react to cyclists ormoped riders.The BLIS cameras have limitations similar tothose of the human eye, i.e. they do not seeas well in e.g. heavy snowfall, strongoncoming light or thick fog.Activate/deactivateButton for Off/On (button location depends onother selected equipment).BLIS is activated when the engine is started.The indicator lamps in the door panels flashthree times when BLIS is activated.The system can be deactivated/activated bypressing the BLIS button.When BLIS is deactivated the light in the buttongoes out and a text message is shown on theinstrument panel display.When BLIS is activated the light in the buttonilluminates, a new text message is shown onthe display and the indicator lamps in the doorpanels flash three times. Press the READ but-ton to clear the text message. For more infor-mation on messages, see page 56.BLIS system messageText on the dis-playSpecificationBLIS ONThe BLIS system isactivated.BLIS REDUCEDFUNCTIONReduced function indata transmissionbetween the BLISsystem's cameraand the car's electri-cal system.The camera resetsitself when the datatransmissionbetween the BLISsystem's cameraand the car's electri-cal system returns tonormal.BLIS CAMERABLOCKEDOne or both cam-eras blocked - cleanthe lenses.
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