V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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06 Starting and driving BLIS* – Blind Spot Information System06* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.175GeneralG020295Rearview mirror with BLIS system.BLIS cameraIndicator lampBLIS symbolWARNINGThe system is a supplement to, not areplacement for, a safe driving style and useof the rearview mirrors. It can never replacethe driver's attention and responsibility. Theresponsibility for changing lanes safelyalways rests with the driver.BLIS is an information system that under cer-tain conditions can help to draw the driver'sattention to vehicles moving in the same direc-tion in the so-called "blind spot".The system is designed to work most effec-tively when driving in dense traffic on multi-lanehighways.BLIS is based on camera technology. The cam-eras (1) are located under the door mirrors.When a camera has detected a vehicle insidethe blind spot zone the indicator lamp (2) illu-minates with a constant glow.NOTEThe lamp illuminates on the side of the carwhere the system has detected the vehicle.If the car is overtaken on both sides at thesame time then both lamps illuminate.BLIS advises the driver with a message if a faultarises in the system. If for example the sys-tem's cameras are obscured then the BLISindicator lamp flashes and a message is shownin the information display. In such cases, checkand clean the lenses. If necessary, the systemcan be switched off temporarily by pressing theBLIS button see page 176.Blind spotsA = approx. 3.0 m, B = approx. 9.5 m.When BLIS operatesThe system operates when the car is driven ata speed above 10 km/h.OvertakingThe system is designed to react if you overtakeanother vehicle at a speed of up to 10 km/hfaster than the other vehicle.The system is designed to react if you are over-taken by a vehicle travelling up to 70 km/hfaster than your vehicle.
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