V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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08 Car care Rustproofing08215Inspection and maintenanceYour car has already received a thorough andcomplete rustproofing at the factory. Parts ofthe body are made of galvanised sheet metal.The underbody is protected by a wear-resis-tant anti-corrosion compound. A thin, pene-trating rustproofing fluid was sprayed into themembers, cavities and closed sections.Maintain the car's rustproofing.•Keep the car clean. Hose down the under-body. If using a pressure washer, keep thenozzle at least 30 cm from the painted sur-faces.•Regularly check and touch-up the rust-proofing treatment as necessary.The car's rustproofing does not normallyrequire treatment for approximately 12 years.After this period, it should be treated at three-year intervals. If the car needs further treat-ment, Volvo recommends that you engage anauthorised Volvo workshop for assistance.
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