V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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09 Maintenance and serviceVolvo service 09218Volvo service programmeBefore the car left the factory, it was thoroughlytest driven. It was checked again in accord-ance with Volvo Car Corporation regulationsbefore it was handed over to you.To keep your Volvo as safe and reliable as pos-sible, follow the Volvo service programmespecified in the Service and Warranty Booklet.Volvo also recommends that you engage anauthorised Volvo workshop to perform theservice and maintenance work. Volvo work-shops have the personnel, special tools andservice literature to guarantee the highest qual-ity of service.IMPORTANTFor the Volvo warranty to apply, check andfollow the instructions in the Service andWarranty Booklet.Special service measuresCertain service measures which affect the car'selectrical system can only be performed usingelectronic equipment specially developed foryour car. For this reason, Volvo recommendsthat you always contact an authorised Volvoworkshop before beginning or performingservice work that affects the electrical system.
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