V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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06 Starting and driving Alcolock*06* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.151Before starting the engineThe Alcolock is activated automatically and isthen ready for use when the car is opened.1. When the indicator lamp (6) is green theAlcolock is ready for use.2. Withdraw the Alcolock from its holder. Ifthe Alcolock is outside the car when it isunlocked then it must first be activatedwith the switch (2).3. Fold up the nozzle (1), take a deep breathand blow with an even pressure until a"click" is heard after approx. 5 seconds.The result will be one of the alternatives inthe following table Result after breathtest.4. If no message is shown then the transmis-sion to the car may have failed - in whichcase, press the button (3) to transmit theresult to the car manually.5. Fold down the nozzle and refit the Alcolockin its holder.6. Start the engine following an approvedbreath test within 5 minutes - otherwise itmust be repeated.Result after breath testIndicator lamp(5) + Display textSpecificationGreen lamp +ALCOGUARDAPPROVED TESTStart the engine - noalcohol contentmeasured.Yellow lamp +ALCOGUARDAPPROVED TESTEngine starting pos-sible - measuredalcohol content isabove 0.1 promillebut below the limitvalue in forceA.Red lamp + DISAP-PROVED TESTWAIT 1 MINUTEEngine starting notpossible - measuredalcohol content isabove the limit valuein forceA.ALimits vary between countries, so find out what limits apply.See also the section entitled General information on theAlcolock on page150.NOTEAfter a completed period of driving, theengine can be restarted within 30 minuteswithout a new breath test.To bear in mindBefore the breath testIn order to obtain correct function and as accu-rate a measurement result as possible:•Avoid eating or drinking approx.5 minutes before the breath test.•Avoid excess windscreen washing - thealcohol in the washer fluid may result in anincorrect measurement result.Change of driverIn order to ensure that a new breath test is car-ried out in the event of a change of driver -depress the switch (2) and the send button (3)simultaneously for approx. 3 seconds. Atwhich point the car returns to start inhibitionmode and a new approved breath test isrequired before starting the engine.Calibration and serviceThe Alcolock must be checked and calibratedat a workshop2 every 12 months.30 days before recalibration is necessary thedisplay shows ALCOGUARD CALIBR.REQUIRED. If calibration is not carried outwithin these 30 days then normal engine star-ting will be blocked - only starting with the2An authorised Volvo workshop is recommended.
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