V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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06 Starting and drivingPark Assist* 06174* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.The system is automatically engaged when thecar is started and the switch's On/Off lamp isilluminated. If parking assistance is switchedoff with the button, the lamp goes out.FrontFront parking assistance is active at speedsbelow 15 km/h. The system is deactivated athigher speeds. When the speed is below10 km/h the system is reactivated.The distance covered to the front of the car isabout 0.8 metres. The signal for obstacles infront comes from the front loudspeakers.LimitationsFront parking assistance cannot be combinedwith extra lights because the sensors are affec-ted by the extra lights.RearRear parking assistance is activated whenreverse gear is engaged.The distance covered to the rear of the car isabout 1.5 metres. The signal for obstaclesbehind comes from the rear loudspeakers.LimitationsSee the previous section Rear parking assis-tance only.Fault indicatorIf the information symbol illumi-nates with constant glow and thedisplay shows PARK ASSISTSERVICE REQUIRED then park-ing assistance is disengaged. Forattention, contact a workshop - an authorisedVolvo workshop is recommended.IMPORTANTIn certain conditions the parking assistancesystem may produce incorrect warning sig-nals that are caused by external soundsources that emit the same ultrasonic fre-quencies that the system works with.Examples of such sources include horns,wet tyres on asphalt, pneumatic brakes andexhaust noises from motorcycles etc.Cleaning the sensorsParking assistance sensors.The sensors must be cleaned regularly toensure that they work properly. Clean themwith water and car shampoo.NOTEDirt, ice and snow covering the sensors maycause incorrect warning signals.
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