V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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10 Infotainment system Audio functions10255Use the MODE button to select the externalaudio source you wish to use.1.If USB is selected then Connect device isshown in the display.2.Connect your iPodµ, MP3 player or USBmemory stick to the USB connection in thecentre console's storage compartment(see preceding illustration).>The text Loading appears on the dis-play when the system loads the filestructure on the storage media. Thistakes a while.When the loading is finished the track informa-tion is shown on the display and it is possibleto select the track required.Track selection can take place in the followingthree ways:•Select TUNING (4) clockwise or anticlock-wise.•Use the right or left-hand button (6) of thenavigation control to scroll to the desiredtrack.•With the steering wheel keypad.In USB or iPodµ mode the infotainment systemoperates in an equivalent way to theCD player for playing back music files. Formore information, see page 264.NOTEThe system supports the playback of musicfiles in the MP3, WMA and WAV file formats.However, there are variants of these file for-mats that are not supported by the system.The system also supports most iPodµ mod-els produced in 2005 or later. iPodµ Shuffleis not supported.USB memoryTo facilitate the use of USB memory avoid stor-ing any files other than music files in the mem-ory. It takes considerably longer for the systemto load storage media that contains items otherthan playable music files.NOTEThe system supports removable mediawhich is compatible with USB 2.0 and theFAT32 file system, and can handle a maxi-mum of 500 folders and 64 000 files. Thememory must have a capacity of at least 256Mb.MP3 playerMany MP3 players have their own file systemsthat are not supported by the audio system. Foruse in the system, an MP3 player must be setin USB Removable device/Mass StorageDevice mode.iPodµAn iPodµ is charged and supplied with powerby the USB connection via the player's con-nection cable. However, if the player's batteryis completely discharged then it must becharged before the player is connected.NOTEWhen an iPodµ is used as audio source, thecar's infotainment system has a menustructure that is similar to the iPodµ player'sown menu structure.AUXSometimes the AUX external audio source canbe heard at a different volume to the internalaudio sources, e.g. the CD player. If the audiovolume of the external audio source is too highthen the sound quality can be impaired. Pre-vent this by adjusting the input volume of theAUX input.NOTEThe sound quality may be impaired if theplayer is charged while the audio system isin AUX mode, so avoid charging the player.
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