V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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10 Infotainment systemAudio functions 10256* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.Streaming audio via Bluetoothµ*GeneralIf the car is equipped with Bluetoothµ hands-free* and a mobile phone is connected then theaudio system can wirelessly play back stream-ing audio files from the mobile phone. Naviga-tion and control of the sound can be carried outvia the centre console buttons or via the steer-ing wheel keypad*. In some mobile phones it isalso possible to change tracks from the phone.To be able to play back the audio a device mustfirst be paired and connected to the car. Forinformation about pairing and connection, seepage 278. BT must also be selected as audiosource, see page 254.NOTEThe Bluetoothµ mobile phone must supportthe Audio/Video Remote Control Profile(AVRCP) and Advanced Audio DistributionProfile (A2DP). The phone should useAVRCP version 1.3, A2DP 1.2. Otherwisesome functions may not work.NOTENot all mobile phones available in the mar-ket are fully compatible with theBluetoothµ function in the car's audio sys-tem. Volvo recommends that you contact anauthorised Volvo dealer or visitwww.volvocars.com for information oncompatible phones and external mediaplayers.PlaybackPress the MODE button repeatedly in order toselect BT as audio source.Audio file selection can take place in the fol-lowing three ways:•Select TUNING (4) clockwise or anticlock-wise.•Use the or button (6) of the naviga-tion control to scroll to the desired audiofile.•With the or buttons on the steeringwheel keypad.Audio settingsAdjusting audio settingsPress SOUND (5) repeatedly to browse amongthe following options. Adjust by turningTUNING.•BASS - Bass level.•TREBLE - Treble level.•FADER – Balance between the front andrear speakers.•BALANCE – Balance between the left andright-hand speakers.•SUBWOOFER * - Bass speaker level. Sub-woofer must be activated before adjust-ment is possible, see under the headingActivating/deactivating the subwooferbelow.•CENTRE2 - Level for centre speaker.Three channel stereo or Pro Logic IIµ mustbe activated before adjustment is possible,see under the heading Activating/deacti-vating surround sound below.•SURROUND2 - Level for surround. ProLogic IIµ must be activated before adjust-ment is possible, see under the headingAudio settings below.2Premium Sound.
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