V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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10 Infotainment system Radio functions10261gramme types ( PTY ) interrupt one another inorder of priority, where alarm has the highestpriority and programme types has the lowest.If you want to return to the interrupted audiosource before the message or programme typehas been completed, press EXIT.For further programme interruption settings,see EON and REG see page 262. The pro-gramme functions are modified via the menusystem, see page 252.AlarmThis function is used to warn of serious acci-dents and catastrophes. The alarm cannot betemporarily interrupted or deactivated. Themessage ALARM! appears on the displaywhen an alarm message is transmitted.Traffic information – TPThis function allows traffic informa-tion broadcast within a set station'sRDS network to break through. TPshows that the function has beenactivated. If the set station can send trafficinformation then appears on the display.G021220Activating/deactivating TP1.Press MENU and then ENTER.2.Scroll to TP and press ENTER.TP from current station/all stationsThe radio can interrupt with traffic informationfrom only the set (current) station or from allstations.1. Select an FM station.2.Press MENU and then ENTER.3.Scroll to Advanced radio settings… andpress ENTER.4.Scroll to TP and press ENTER.5.Scroll to TP station… and press ENTER.>Either TP from current station or TPfrom all stations is shown on the dis-play.6.Press ENTER.Activating/deactivating TP searchTP search is useful during long journeys whilean audio source other than the radio is beingplayed. The function automatically searchesfor traffic information within differentRDS networks.1.Press MENU and then ENTER.2.Scroll to Advanced radio settings… andpress ENTER.3.Scroll to TP and press ENTER.4.Scroll to TP search and press ENTER.NewsThis function allows news broad-casts within a set station'sRDS network to break through. Themessage News shows that the func-tion is active.G021221Activating/deactivating News1.Press MENU and then ENTER.2.Scroll to News and press ENTER.News from current station/all stationsThe radio can interrupt with news from only theset (current) station or from all stations.1. Select an FM station.2.Press MENU and then ENTER.3.Scroll to Advanced radio settings… andpress ENTER.4.Scroll to News station… and pressENTER.>Either News from current station orNews from all stations is shown on thedisplay.5.Press ENTER.
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