V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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10 Infotainment systemRadio functions 10262Programme types – PTYThe PTY function can be used toselect different programme types,such as Pop music and Seriousclassic. The PTY symbol indicatesthat the function is active. This function allowsprogramme types broadcast within a set sta-tion's RDS network to break through.G021222Activating/deactivating PTY1.Select FM1 or FM2 with FM/AM.2.Press MENU and then ENTER.3.Scroll to PTY and press ENTER.4.Scroll to Select PTY… and pressENTER.> A list of programme types appears:Current affairs , Information etc. ThePTY function is activated by selectingprogramme types and deactivated byclearing all PTYs.5. Select the desired programme types orClear all PTY…Search PTYThis function searches the entire wavelengthfor the selected programme type.1. Activate PTY.2.Press MENU and then ENTER.3.Scroll to PTY and press ENTER.4.Scroll to Search PTY and press ENTER.If the radio finds any of the selected pro-gramme types, >| To seek appears on the dis-play. Press the navigation button to con-tinue searching for another broadcast of theselected programme types.Display of programme typeThe programme type of the current station canbe shown on the display.NOTENot all radio stations support this function.Activating/deactivating display1.Press MENU and then ENTER.2.Scroll to PTY and press ENTER.3.Scroll to Show PTY and press ENTER.Radio textSome RDS stations transmit information onprogramme content, artists, etc. This informa-tion can be shown on the display.Activating/deactivating radio text1.Press MENU and then ENTER.2.Scroll to Radio text and press ENTER.Automatic frequency update – AFThe AF function selects one of the strongesttransmitters for a set station. The radio maysometimes need to search through the entireFM wavelength to find a strong transmitter. Ifthis occurs, the radio mutes and PI seekEXITto cancel appears in the display.Activating/deactivating AF1.Press MENU and then ENTER.2.Scroll to Advanced radio settings… andpress ENTER.3.Scroll to AF and press ENTER.Regional radio programmes – REGThis function causes the radio to con-tinue with a regional transmitter evenif its signal strength is low.Regional indicates that the functionis active. The regional function is normallydeactivated.G021223Activating/deactivating REG1.Press MENU and then ENTER.2.Scroll to Advanced radio settings… andpress ENTER.3.Scroll to Regional and press ENTER.
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