V50の取扱説明書・マニュアル [全322ページ 8.57MB]
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10 Infotainment system Bluetooth handsfree*10* Option/accessory, for more information, see Introduction.2794. Choose one of the mobile phones in theaudio system display.5. Enter the number series shown in the audiosystem display via the mobile phone key-pad.Alternative 2 - via the phone's menu system1. Activate the handsfree function withPHONE. If there is a phone connected,disconnect the connected phone.2.Search with the phone's BluetoothTM, seethe mobile phone's manual.3.Select My Volvo Car in the list of unitsdetected in your mobile phone.4. Enter the PIN code '1234' into the mobilephone when prompted for the PIN code.5.Select to connect to My Volvo Car fromthe mobile phone.The mobile phone is registered and connectedautomatically to the audio system while the textSynchronising is shown in the display. Formore information on how mobile phones areregistered, see page 280.When the connection is established the symbol is shown and the mobile phone'sBluetoothTM name is shown in the display. Nowthe mobile phone can be controlled from theaudio system.To call1.Make sure that the text PHONE is shownat the top of the display and that the symbol is visible.2. Dial the number or use the phone book,see page 281.3.Press ENTER.The call is interrupted with EXIT.Disconnecting the mobile phoneAutomatic disconnection takes place if themobile phone moves out of the audio system'srange. For more information on connection,see page 280.Manual disconnection takes place by deacti-vating the handsfree function with one longpress on PHONE. The handsfree function isalso deactivated when the engine is switchedoff or when a door is opened1.When the mobile phone has been discon-nected an ongoing call can be continued withthe mobile phone's built-in microphone andspeaker.NOTESome mobile phones require that thechangeover from handsfree is confirmedfrom the phone's keypad.Making and receiving callsIncoming callCalls are accepted with ENTER even if theaudio system is in CD or FM mode for example.Refuse or end with EXIT.Auto answerThe automatic answer function means thatcalls are accepted automatically. Activate/deactivate under Phone Menu…Calloptions…Automatic answer .In-call menuPress MENU or ENTER during an ongoing callto access the following functions:•Mute microphone - audio system micro-phone is muted.•Transfer call to mobile - the call is trans-ferred to the mobile phone.1Applies to Keyless Drive.
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